Veterans Activities
In addition to the services provided by the Northeastern administration, students organized their own activities in support of their veteran classmates. The Veterans’ Association has played a role on campus since the 1940s. Although its popularity faded in and out over the years, the association "tried to form kind of a transition society and hoped to help incoming veterans adjust to college life." Other activities included the Veterans Corner column in the Northeastern News and numerous memorials and dedications in the Cauldron, the University yearbook.
The Class of 1945 organized The '45 Club to recognize that "many members of our class would be leaving for the armed services and that some organization should be started to keep these men connected with the activities of our class."
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45 Club
45 Club
45 Club
45 Club
Page scan from Cauldron issue for digital access.
Northeastern involvement in war
World War II
Northeastern involvement in war
World War II
Northeastern involvement in war
World War II
45 Club
Northeastern University Publications
The 45 Club
000045 club
The 45 Club
Northeastern involvement in war
World War II
�We, the graduating members of the '45 Club dedicate our yearbook to our classmates who have answered the "Call to Colors" and are serving in the Armed Forces of our Country. ��During our Sophomore year our officers realized that many members of our class would be leaving for the armed services and that some organization should be started to keep these men connected with the activities of our class. It was with this purpose in mind that the '45 Club was organized, with membership made up of men who registered with us as Freshmen, and those who joined our class later by transfer. The '4 5 Club has served its purpose effectively during our school years by sponsoring activities for aJI members. Under our permanent officers we are looking forward to conti nu ed activity and association in the years to come. Allen W . Abbott Jo eph F. Ahearn Maurice ]. Ahearn Delm F. Alberghini Irving Altman T hn M . Ander on Daniel Ariewitz tuart W. Bacon Han V. Bach Wilbert G. Bailey Ru sell E. Ball Jo eph . Ballota tanley W . Bates Robert H . Beane Werner H. Beutel Alfred M. Bickelman Charle A. Bililie Erne t R. Blair harte W. Blanchard Raym nd D. Blethen, Jr. Harold B ngarten Daniel Born tein Edward . Boudreau Jame D. Bourke William D. Bowman Bennet W. Boynton le t r W . Br ck. Jr. J eph W . Brook Robert K. Brown, Jr. George Brumi Richard T Brown . Arthur G. Bunker J hn A. Burton Raym nd ]. Butter Paul A. Caputo, Jr. Ralph A. Caputo Ru ll Carleton Alden B. Carl on Harvey E. Carrier Carl R. Carter Jo eph ar alho Walter T. Ca Henry F. hagnot J . Alden Cheever Leo F. Ci iel ki Robert W . Clark h. rle T . Clougherty John Cochran, Jr. on tantine G. Cockino Thornton . Cody Alvin C hen amuel Cohen Willi. m ]. Cohen Raymond C. C le harte J . Collin Franci Concannon Mile C. Connelly. Jr. D. niel ]. C nnolly Richard . Conner Thoma F. Connor Robert A. Connor anford R . Con i er Navy Army avy Army Army Army Army Navy avy Army Army Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army U CG Army Army avy Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army avy avy Army avy avy avy Thoma E. Conway Thoma F. Conway, Jr. Reginald W. C ke Jame . F. Coughlan Walter A. Coyle Michael W. Cri tian Franci J. Cri tofori Edward K. Cromwell Franklin ]. Cronin Edward M. Cumming Walter W. Curley Donald R . Currier Harry W. Dahlstrom Daniel M. Daley, Jr. Alexander B. Daniel Philip Dant witz J hn E. Davey Thoma E. Davin Arthur .J. Davis Erwin W . Davi J. Frank Dawley P . Edward DeBery Michael B. DeMeo A. William DePiano Fred Deyo, Jr. Vincent F. Diana Roger B. Diettrich Jame H. Dillon John ]. Dillon William J . D herty Richard H. Dougla Che ter 1. Drew, Jr. ]o ph B. Dri coli Frederic B. Ea tman Leonard A. Edlund Jr. George A. Edward Oli er T. Ei enhart M . Edmund Ellion David . Elli Donald W . Erwin M. on Estabro k Faliero A. Fabio umner . Fanger Welton G . Farra r Donald H . Fay Frank Fein tein Edgar R. Field Martin B. Finkel te in D minic Fiore Robert A . Fi ette Bernard Fi her Robert W . Fleming Franci P . Flitner William A . Fo ter D onald K. Foulkes Melvin I. Freedman Albert Freije Arthur 1. Freundlich illiam F . Friary Frederick H . Fri well Cecil G. Furbi h Jr. esley J. Furbu h U CG Army Army Army Army Army Army Army U MC Army Army Armv Army Army Army Army avy avy Army Army avy avy Army Army avy avy Army U CG a y Army Army Army avy avy Army Army Army avy Army avy avy Army Army 1 avy Army Army Army Armv Army ~ avy Army Arm · Army Army Arm • Navy Armr Army Army avy Army Arm · D avid W . Gardner Malcolm R. Gavin Peter Galuffo James G. Gallagher Paul Gadsby James A . Gates, Jr. Michael F. George Carl A. Gerden Irving H. Ger hengon Robert G . Gerade, Jr. Maurice G . Gertel D ona ld M . Gibson Richard A. Gilman Ge rge B. Gilbert Gordon M. Gould Harland . Gould Ri chard . Goodwin Martin M. Goldman Andrew T. Goettman Erne t L. Gowen, Jr. Kenneth R. Greenleaf Robert E. Greenquist Leonard Green Irvin~ M . Guilford Philip E. Gustafson William . Gu tafson Robert D . Guy Herbert Guttel Carl W . Haefele, Jr. Robert F. Hale Frederick A. Hall Robert T. Hall Franci R. Hankard Fred W. Hannula Maceo A. Harri John W . Ha ting Horace P. Hawkes Arnold T. Hayes Bernard Haye Earle C. Hazelwood Arthur R. Hedlund Calvin 0 . Heeder Philip T. Heffernan, Jr. Albert W . Henn Thoma Henry, Jr. John A. H. Hen haw John T. Hill John M . Hiza Charle E. Hochmuth George T. Hodg on, Jr. T. Paul Hodge Ir in R. Hopkins Richa rd M . Horwitz orman F. Howard tanley D . Imber J ohn E. Ivers, Jr. Henry J. Iwanowicz Alden H . Jacob on D avid Jacob Alvan B. Jacob on Jame H . Jenkin Ralph L. Jewell, Jr. Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Navy Army U MM Army Army Army avy Army Navy Army Army avy Army Army U MC Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army U MC Army Army avy avy avy Army U CG U CG Army Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army avy Army �Army Robert G. Johnson avy Kenneth A. Johnston avy Joyce K. ]. Joyce Army Thoma J. Jordan Army Arthur E. Judd, Jr. Army Robert Kalin Army Albert L. Kalman avy George . Karioti avy Ralph E. Kaye, Jr. Le ter W. Keating Army Army William ]. Keck Army George Kee avy John T. Kelley Army John T. Kelley Army Jame Kelso, Jr. Navy umner G. Kenny Army Arthur R. Kinder, Jr. Army orman B. Kinp; Army Paul A. Knaut, Jr. Army Thaddeus J. Krajew ki avy George T. Krinople Irving ]. Labe MC Gerard L. Lafond Army Army Frank Lambert, Jr. Robert E. Lang U CG Edmund Law Army Murray L. Lazaru Army Army George A. Leach, Jr. ]. Walter Leaf avy Kenneth W. Lee Army leonard J. Lerner Army Herbert ]. Lewi U MC avy George F. living ton leo M . Lippa Army avy Melvin L Litvin Army Merle J. Locke Army Edward J. long, Jr. Carl R. lude Army George R. Lund Army Navy James G. MacGowan, Jr . avy Robert MacGregor Robert G. MacKay Army Army eil . MacKenna Jo eph E. Magnu on U MC avy Jo eph Maguire Robert W. Maker Army Army George P. Makri John M. Malaney, Jr. Army Army Thomas ]. Maloney, Jr. Army Ralph K. Manning, Jr. avy Peter J. Mano Clifford E. Markham, Jr. U R Army John B. Mar h Army orman L. Massey J: avy Roland W . Martineau Edward C. Matson avy Army Edmund l. McCarthy Franci ]. McCoy Army Robert R. McCoy Army Army Jo eph H . McCu ker William P. McEvoy avy Army James F. McGrath. Jr. Army Donald F. McGurk J.avy Ray W . Mcinto h Army tanley R . McKay Army Robert E. McKee Perry P. MeR bert MC Hugh F. McVann Army Army Willi G . Meloon, Jr. Armv Robert A. Merrill Army faurice W. Mewff Army Richard Miaslciewicz Army Robert B. Milgroom Army Robert L. .M ilk Army Robert E. filler Armv Robert >fonaco fC Roland A. Morin F. Le tee Morrill H ward W . More Lewi B. Moulton Gordon Mui e Fred ric J. Muld on, Jr . John H . Murphy John P. Murphy umner Myer Georg H. a h I n Rich rd C. Richard W . we mb Edw:ud ichola Philip A. G org C. Henry L. 'Brien l on V. O'Brien Rob rt ]. O 'Connor Allie D. liva Lou i L Orenbuch Robert B. Otenti Jame Oti Glenn wen Kenneth C. Paill r el A. Palm Gury Pano Frank G. Pasquali, Jr. George M . Patenaude Frederick . Pearce orman Pearl Ralph R. Peter en Frank R. P ter on Lilbourn Pharri Jame A. Phillip Robert W . Phillip Jo eph R. Pi elli Charle L. Pi torino Alan on E. Platt, Jr. tanley J. Pollard Ralph M . Pool Bradford C. Poole Theodore R. Poro ky Robert G . Porter Philip E. Po ey John ]. Powers ewton K . Pratt herman C. Pre cott B. Thoma Pre ton Jo eph E. Pucci Albert J . Pulcini Alonzo C. Rand Jame 0 . Rand Paul D . Randall Jame A . Rawn ley Bernard Raymond ]o eph F. Reagan John A. Reardon, Jr. John H . Reardon , Jr . William R. Recktenwald Paul F. Remi Robert B. Richmond Aldas . Ridgely, Jr. Richard ]. Roach, Jr. Daniel J . Robert jame M . Ro a Albert J. Ro en Earl C. Ro ler Charles A. Rowley John F. Rutecki Richard R. Ruzicka John P. Ryan Benjamin J. Rymut Theodore ado ki Todin adoski Edward G. ava e Bradford avitz Edward arry Gilbert J. hlesinger y Army Army Army Army Army avy avy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Arr:'ly il\''1 Jvy Army .Army Army Army Army y avy Arm f Army Army .Army Army Army a Y Army avy a Y Army .Army M Army Army avy NR Army avy Army Army Army avy NR Army Army G Army u R vy R Army .vy Army avy avy Army Army Army Army Army avy Army .Army Army Army Army Army Army Army M RAP avv Army avy Army MM Army M Army Army Army Arm~· 1avy Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army M avy Army Army Army Javy Army avy Army Army Army avy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army �FRE HMA held at the Hotel Continental with music by In the fall of 1940 the country was sing- rhe Bacchs. At this dance we selected Miss ing "MacNamara' Band," cars were lining Lois Hayward escorted by Leland Sibley, the highways, the Presidential Campaign was now Mr. and Mrs., a "Northeastern Uni- swe ping the country, the RAF wa fighting versity's Honorary Co-ed of the Class of the battle of Britain, and 871 neophyte 1945." w re having a battle of filling out cards at proved very successful. As the first affair of our class it No tud nt will ever forget Our second affair was the "Freshman rho e fir t three days when cards had co be Formal" held at the Belmont Country Club. Norrhea tern. filled out, advi er met, te cs taken and phy . Thi dance proved to be the biggest affair of ical examinations endured. When we look our Fre hman year and had che distinction back co tho e day they remind u of what of being the only affair run by the class we are experiencing now- which had no red ink on the book . examination . elective Service However, we weathered the storm and prepared to cart studies the fol Many of us journeyed that weekend to Freshman Camp at which many la ring None of u will forget b ing called out of bed at 11 o'clock to see the movies or the "chase of the upperclas " in which we showed that our cia wa to be one of unified piri't. During our Fre hman year we held two dance . The fir t, " Fre hman Frolic," wa FRESHMAN OFFICER First R ow. lr/t to ri<t : Rya n. White, oldie. rcond R ow. lr/t to right: hern, heever. Dougla . P rof. le~e n· e. this year but we provided much needed material for che varsity reams of the lowing week. friendships were acquired. Our cia s did not have roo successful pore future. It wa during this year chat Dr. Ell was inaugurated as Pre idem of the University at impre sive ceremonies held at the Opera Hou e. We al o wirne sed the breaking of the ground for the New Building which is the econd of the proposed unit of seven. Richard Hall was al o dedicated chis year. �SOPHOMORE Jim Many changes in the world rook pl ce during our Sophomore year which influenced our accions gready. The entire tudenr body f r the very nchusi. ti 1 d r hip Un h n han the ' lub w in the Jar r p rt of our and chi club ha or niz d phomor function d y onrinu lly ince. li tened apprehensively to the declaration of war after Pearl Harbor. MID Many of our clas - mares were already in the service while many R Under the n w cc l rat d pro ram orne ochers were preparjng ro enter, while no one of u knew ju t what the future held for him. ing the ummer mooch . It was during this year chat our new mascot, King Hu ky II was presented to the University after the short reign of Quetn upplied many men for the var- sity this year and made their pre ence known ro no smaJJ degree. were "Bob" new exp ri nee rryin tudi Otenti, Among them "Will" hannon, "Gabe" Connors, " Bob" Maker, and Walter It w, to ur- ind on n rat on a warm umm r on enin . Becau e of the imm diace pre ur of rh war our c1 Husky I. Our cla tt nded chool for the fir t tim had very little activity chi year. Howe er, all rhe cla e with Jim hanahan a ni er icy Ball" w room of the ombin d and hairman th " All held in the main ball- opl y Plaza. rche era supplied th Roly Ro r ' mu ic, featuring the of Joan Hunt r. inging and crumpet tylin Hurler.. The only dance which the clas held chi The big event of the wa ch ap- year was the well attended "Bartle of Music" pearance of Dixie Dunbar whom w ac· featuring Baron Hugo and hi claimed as the "girl ociery Fa- vorites and Sandy Sandiford and his Knight of Harlem. The big anracdon of the dance was the presence of ell Giles, who during the evening selected a mooch Susan and Smooch Stephan from those present. all, everyone had a good time. All in venin orrhe cern boy would mot like co rake away wich hem." The '4 5 lub, as a fining equel co the dance, held a buffer upper in the Room. h ridan Although the food wa n't what was expected, ir neverchele rved co get many members of our class together for the Ja c rime before entrance inco the ervice. fint Row, left to ri1ht: Leach. Suond Row, kit to ri ht: , faker, DIJ, Prof. . ferve, Chee,•er, Phillip•. �During the summer the main attraction was the softball games held in the back of Richards Hall. they are one of the top entertaining groups in the country. Many an eventful game was As major accivicies have been curtailed, played, making the summer term more en- the class chis year contented themselves with joyable. oftball games, swimming, and basketball. The actions shown on the diamond, especially by the faculty, will long be remembered. JUNIOR One of the advantages of having classes A second " All Univer ity Round-up" was held this year a a farewell co the lase of in the summer ( o we thought) was the posibility of holding classes out-of-doors. The the Army Reservists. The evening was spem ociology class one day tried chis and as the with softball games, in which the '45 Club hour rolled on, some began co wish that the Chemicals won the championship, labora- class was inside in order co escape the heat. tory exhibits, movies, and da·ncing. The highlight of the evening was the hobbyhorse races with students and faculty riding the horses. Mr. eavey of the Mechanical SENIOR Engineering Department bowed us his pro- Becau e of the accelerated program our ficiency by winning the races. Although Junior Proms are "out" for the enior year i but twenty-four weeks long, duration we held one of our most uccessful which accounts for no class activity umil the dance during our Junior year. This dance enior Week. For this affair we elected a was held at the Univer ity Club on Hallow- committee of ten with "Hank" Bishop as e'en Eve with Alan Curris supplying the chairman. music and Ted Cole the vocals. The big surpri e of the evening came when Jim Russo introduced the "Merry Macs." We are looking forward co this last week cogether during our college years, a this will be a week never forgotten. This group Except for those· who chose the co-opera- ongs which were en- ti e plan for their .final year we a a cia s are joyed by all pre em. They proved co u why graduating one year earlier than expected. entercained us with MIDDLER OFFICER First R oc. lt/t to right: Cheever, hanahan. Durakis. 1\l:lker. uond R ow. ll'/t to right: P hilips, Webster. �E lOR CO CIL FirJt R ow. lt/t to right : \'oodbe rry. Ru o, DurJ ki • E•terman . uond Row ltf t to right: Profi ta. leeper. Knowlton, T omaini, Kop iafti . During these four fast years at orcheastern we have een many changes come co us, the Thi war has come do een our das mare to u , for we hav ome, nev r co leav University, and the world. We have become come back. mature in an immature world; the Univer- leaving the door of sity has added one building, admitted co-eds, to go out inro th world co help in as many trained the ASTP; and the world wa shaken way a we po sibly can to win chi war. We with the worst war in history. We also saw And now the r t of u realize the ta k that i ar orch a r rn behind u before us and we sane people go berserk trying ro figure out know char it will be hard bur we will do our songs like "Hut Sut urmo ong," ''Pistol Packin' Mamma," and "Majrzy Doars." t co speed the day when one again alJ people can Jive in a free world. Fir1t R tJW, Bi hop, h/t t
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group of Northeastern World War II veterans
group of Northeastern World War II veterans
group of Northeastern World War II veterans
group of Northeastern World War II veterans
Writing on back: "Veteran Enrollment at N.U." and "Some of the World War II veterans."
Selected resources in this collection were acquired through transferals from Northeastern's Office of University Photography, Jet Commercial Photographers, Northeastern University publications, unprocessed archival collections and other contract photographers.
Collection finding aid:
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
United States
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
United States
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
College students
College students
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
United States
United States
College students
group of Northeastern World War II veterans
Northeastern University Photograph collection (A103)
Series 15: Student Life. Subseries: Veterans
A group of Northeastern World War II veterans
group of northeastern world war ii veterans
A group of Northeastern World War II veterans
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.)
College students Massachusetts Boston
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.) Students
United States Military Veterans
Registrar John B. Pugsley was the chosen coordinator of veterans at Northeastern and worked with veterans to make their return to the University as smooth as possible. He was interviewed by the Boston Traveler about his work: "'The work I do is largely at their solicitation. They don’t want to be a marked or special group.’ The Veterans’ Association room in Richards Hall is less popular with the vets than the regular recreation room where they may mingle with other students. 'Pug' also reports that only one veteran has ever voluntarily mentioned his service.”